
Now serving two convenient locations.
Teeth–what you need to know
We thought it might be helpful to give you all a basic dental rundown of what you can expect from ages 2 to 12. Here we go! Around six months is when you should first notice a baby tooth coming through and it is usually on the bottom in the front. The ADA, or American…
7 Fun Family Outings
We did some digging to find some of the best things to do with your kids during Thanksgiving break. Here’s our top 7 Enjoy your week and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Some Halloween tips for teeth
Halloween is near, which for most children means bags of free candy and a chance to build a stockpile of sweets for the winter. No surprise, Halloween can also present parents with a variety of health and safety challenges. Here’s how you can help your family keep a healthy mouth on Halloween and year-round. TIME IT RIGHT…
New drill and fill alternative
Until recently, drilling and filling has been the primary form of treatment for caries or “cavities” in the United States. In July, The New York Times published an article announcing that the FDA has approved an antimicrobial liquid that can be applied with a brush to infected teeth called silver diamine fluoride. Silver diamine fluoride is a odorless…
Morning Starbucks?
Now that everyone has settled back into the school year, we are getting pretty lonely during the morning hours. If you have a non-school age child and have the flexibility to make an appointment in the morning, we would love to see you! Starting Wednesday, September 21st, we will be handing out $5 Starbuck gift…
2016 Scholarship Winners
We were overwhelmed with the number of wonderful essays submitted by our graduating seniors this year to receive the Dr. Betty Barr Scholarship for Higher Education. We had such a difficult time selecting only one recipient. Through the generosity of one of our dear friends James Moriarty and Dr. Betty, we were able to award a $1,000 scholarship…